
Carine Gutlerner, compositions


• ANNE FRANK’S DIARY (Globe Trotter Network)

Carine GUTLERNER, composition, conducting
Laurent KORCIA, violin*
Florence ROUSSIN, second violin
Vinciane BERANGER, alto
Xavier PHILLIPS, cello*
Emmanuelle BERTRAND, second cello
Bernard CAZAURAN, doublebass
Carine GUTLERNER, piano*
Philippe BERNOLD, flute*
Olivier D’OISE, hobo / Romain GUYOT, clarinet / Jean-François DUQUESNOY, bassoon
Hervé JOULAIN, horn
Eric SAMMUT, percussions
Christine ICART, harpe /Ariane JACOB, celesta

* main soloists


The movie was selected for the Festival International de Musique et Cinéma d’Auxerre (France) obtained the Children’s Jury Prize at the International Film Festival in Chicago, aswell as the UNICEF Saskatchewan Award in Canada.



Since the animated movie was put on line in May 2020, it has already over 8 million views !


ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK of the film Anne Frank's Diary

CD Anne Frank's Diary (CD + booklet, Institut Européen des Musiques Juives - IEMJ, 2022)

Behind the scenes of the film Anne Frank's Diary

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PAUL DELVAUX: CARNETS DE CROQUIS ET TOILES (Globe Trotter Network), presented for the Centennial celebration of the painter at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Brussels. The film obtained the Grand Prix de la qualité de l'image (Festival du Film d'Art à Paris) and the 1st Prize at the Festival of Asolo.


SONGES POUR PIANO (Carine Gutlerner)


NANA by Serena Dykman (Adleek USA Inc. 2016). The movie obtained many awards, among them the Alan Landburg Award, the Leon Award for the best documentary at the St. Louis International Film Festival, the best biography at the Palm Beach International Film Festival and winner of the Fargo Film Festival.

The FILM can be seen in the complete version by clicking HERE


- In France, Carine Gutlerner is a member of the SACEM (Society of Authors, Compositors and Editors in Music) and of the SPEDIDAM (Society for the Perception and the Distribution of the Rights for the Artists-Performers).




Liberté / Freedom 2:00

Anne Frank,  In Memoriam      4:26

Menace guerrière  / Threat of War 1:35

Evasion lointaine / Distant Escape 1:48

Ballade dans le vent /  Ballad in the wind 2:00

Danse sauvage /  Wild Dance 3:31



Se souvenant / Remembering 2:38

Mélancolie des horloges / Melancholy of the Clocks 2:26

Horizon s’éloignant /   Horizon drifting away 2:35

Carine GUTLERNER, composition, piano



" The highly realistic animation offers suspenseful touches and unusual points of view, and the music by Carine Gutlerner is excellent ! Reader, Chicago


" Immersed by the original music composed by Carine Gutlerner, the film retraces the two years where Anna and her family had to live cloistered. Beyond the drama that can be perceived throughout the film, there are certain scenes immersed with joy. But with the days passing, the emotion grows deeper. And when the Gestapo arrives, and that Anne looks up at her father, nothing – not even this animated film – seems to be able to console us. Figaro Magazine


" The attendant music by Carine Gutlerner manages to be both unobtrusive and haunting at the same time. This inspiring and poignant film is a remarkable tribute to Anne Frank. Carol Ann Lee, Historian and author of "Anne Frank : A biography".


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..Music CD's © C.E.A. MUSIKA & © Ú.M.K. Budapest / Compositions © SACEM / Drawings © ADAGP / Photos © Agnès Chaumat / © Carine Gutlerner 2010